Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Super School!

Today, for part of the day, I went to my mom's job. Since Dyson and I missed it because of STUPID M-STEP!!! Anyway...it was really fun because there is a girl in her class who wants me to be their sister and she is really pretty. Her name is Riel. And she is black like me too! There is also a girl who said that I was her favorite. I was happy and she is pretty too. Then, there is this dude and he is very funny and I think his name is Nick. Point is: her class is AWESOME! And there all 7th graders.
My mom teaches math. So...I got to do math! Which is one of my favorite subjects! I can also DO 7th grade math! So I understood more that half of he things they were doing! It was very fun. That is why I was disappointed when we had to go to school. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday- AHW

Today, I got prepared to not go to school tomorrow! Why? Because I'm going to my mom's job! Why? Because my mom couldn't take Dyson and I on the actual day(because of STUPID M-STEP). So, to make it up we'll be going tomorrow. Plus, tomorrow we are swimming and I can't and don't want to go swimming. So yeah.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

AHW Thursday!

Today in class, I finished my digital literary essay! I was very happy. Well, I finished earlier but I posted to YouTube today. I DON'T like posting my stuff on YouTube. I really don't. But I am glad I am done with everything.

Wonderful Wonder Literary Essay!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

AHW Wednesday!

Today, my mom just got a new phone. Since her old phone wasn't working, she got a new one. She got...the...iPhone....6! The same color as mine too! Twinning. When I got home, I quickly realized that the phone CAME! I was so excited and told her about all of the things you can do with Apple devices.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

AHW Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Today, I am going to try something new. I am going to type a word and then on the board above the keyboard on Apple devices, I am going to push the first one that pops up many times. Go!
I am going to be a good day to be a good time to get a new one is the best thing ever is when you get to see the point of view of the year of the day I will be a good day to be a good day for me to be a good day to be a good time to get a new one is the best thing w the best thing ever is when you get a new one is the best thing ever is when you get a new one is the best thing ever is when you get a new one is the best thing ever.

Monday, June 1, 2015


So........I haven't told ANYONE about this but.......a while back, my dad told me that Dyson and I were getting another sibling. I was super excited! By the way, the sibling is being born from my step mom. Then today, my dad texted me that the sibling....... is ........going to be....... a.........

I am SUPER DUPER EXCITED to have another sibling. Even though it isn't a girl. I think that the boy's name should start with a "C". I think that because my name starts with an A, Brody's name starts with a B, and Dyson's name starts with a D. So... if the NEW siblings name starts with a C, it will go: ABCD! How ironic! I wonder what my dad and step mom will actually name the boy. My dad told me that he will be born maybe in November.