Friday, May 30, 2014

Mirrors AHW Friday

Payce has an obsession with.....

I always wonder why. Maybe he enjoys seeing himself. He also likes to ride my back...a lot. He'll say, "geht oon my bakh," which is baby for, "get on my back." He says it like he's me. That's the thing about baby's--when you talk, choose your words carefully. For example, my step dad calls him buddy. So on Memorial Day, my step dad went outside, leaving Payce inside. Payce just kept saying, "hay buddie." It was very funny! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

My art AHW Thursday

This is my drawing:
I like to draw all the time!...
This is one of my latest drawings. It is of me, with a coffee/hot chocolate. I have a white sweater, with a pink heart, pink sleeves, and a pink neck rim, I have green pants, brown shoes, and a pink+green bow in my hair, my skin is brown and my hair is black, my eyes are brown(with little white hearts in them, and there is a heart next to me--just for the little details--and that's it! <3~ , ♡~ or ❤~

Chains- how they struggle-Journal Entry #2

This particular time and period is a struggle for humanity because black people are treated unfairly. I think that Isabel, or Sal will make a difference...somehow. I think that this books life lesson will be that if you are nice to everyone, things will come your way. She has been nice to everyone and so I think that she might find her sister. Isabel is very polite so I don't get why she is a slave. It's like you do something good but you get treated badly for it. She was supposed to be free but no, they couldn't find the will of her previous slave owner. That to me is very suspicious.... The white people probably never get treated badly. And if someone does mistreat/do something they don't like, they'll find a way to get their way. Like starting a war because you don't agree with them. I seriously  don't get some people. Here is some evidence:
When madam got mad at Isabel, what did she do? Smacked her on her cheek!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cake bow Wednesday AHW

That is the necklace I bought for myself today, May 28, 2014. I think in addition to the bows in Project COPE that we should make bow hair pins. I would ABSOLOUTLEY buy them ALL! Hehehhhh...

Journal Entry #1

May 28, 2014

Dear Diary, 
I really felt like grabbing Madam by the hair and throwing her down the stairs, throw her out the window and beat her face with my fists. Do you know why? She sold RUTH! I wanted to cry, but I needed to stay strong. I stood up to Madam like it didn't even bother me. But deep inside my heart it did. It was like standing up to your mother, knowing that something was coming at you. I felt good doing it though. Madam is just so selfish! She only thinks about herself even if other people's lives can be hurt by it. was the one who took the blame. I was the one who got an I burned into me. And I did absolutely nothing. This is what really did bother me. Wish me good luck!

|Beany and the Dreaded Wedding| |Literary Essay by Aria|

Book: Beany and the Dreaded Wedding
By: Aria M.

 Have you ever worried crazy about a wedding? Well, here's a girl who did. In the book Beany and the Dreaded Wedding, Bernice, or Beany is invited to be a flower girl in a wedding and is stressed that she will mess up. I think that Bernice/Bean is very worried, or stressed about being  in the wedding. 

 Bean is very nervous about being a flower girl because she doesn't want to mess up. Beany thinks that something will go wrong, just because of her. For example, when Bean's cousin Amy came over and first asked her to be the flower girl, she worried herself. She thought about the bad things that could happen rather than thinking about the good things that could happen. Bean's exact thoughts were, 'I didn't tell Carol Ann, but those were the exact reasons I didn't want to be in my cousin's wedding. What if the back of my hair came out all weird and lumpy that day and everyone could see it while I stood at the altar? What if the photographer asked us to say "cheeseburger" while he took the picture, and snapped it right while I was on the sound? What if I dribbled soup or had a piece of food hanging on my chin while I ate? What if they made me do the chicken dance? Scariest of all, though, was the thought of walking down the aisle with everyone looking at me. I didn't know if I could do that.' She is constantly thinking that everything will go wrong. Beany doesn't want to be in the wedding also because she thinks that she has to wear a big, fancy dress. She told her mom, 'Mom, I can't be in the wedding. They are going to make me wear a fancy, magazine dress and no one will come near me. Carol Ann said so.' She shortly found out that you can wear any kind of dress for the wedding. Now that she knew that, she wrote a letter to her cousin, Amy. It included things that she did NOT want, and things that are OK. Bean might not really fancy stuff because it might bother her a lot.

 This proves that Beany was scared for the wedding. She will soon learn to get over it. Bean learns to concur her fear, which is good for her, and her family.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I knew it was going to rain. I predicted it. I have proof because I brought my umbrella to school. I can sonetimes predict when it's going to rain. 

Friday, May 23, 2014


I am going to write about my day.
I had home room first.
I had Sciracy second.
I had gym third.
I had the all-school assembly fourth. 
I had lunch fifth.
I had math sixth.
I had a fire drill seventh.
I had more math after that.
I had science and LA eighth.
I played wall ball and toilet tag after my work was finished.
I went to my choice hour that is called Out door gardening. wasn't outdoor. But it was fun. Audrey and I made Jerry, the sparkling piece of glue. We did surgical removal on him with the heat of the hot glue gun. He will probably lose some weight--next Friday.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Viola Concert AHW Thursday

I cannot WAIT another second for our orchestra concert!!! I am playing a solo so I am really nervous and excited!!! I will be posting a new post with pictures of the concert and a video(if it will work). I play the viola. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Yesterday I found out...
I have a new baby brother!!!
His name is Brody(Bro-Bro as my dad and I call him) and he is VERY cute (like Payce) and has a LOT of hair!
As you see here...↑
I cannot believe that I now, I have three, I repeat three, uno, dos, tres, brothers now. I might have a fourth brother soon because my birth mother is having another baby! Brody came from my dad and my step mother. Payce came from my mom and my step dad. Ashton(girl), or Rylan(boy) will be coming from my birth mother. We don't know the gender of the baby yet. I want it to be a girl. But then also a boy. If my mom has a boy, I will be the only girl(except Nikia, my step sister). If my mom has a girl, we could play games that I never, never ever could play with Dyson or Payce. Ashton/Rylan is supposed to be born August 15. My mom thinks that s/he will be born July 25. I don't know. 
There is Brody with my step mom, Hayley.
Here is Payce.

Monday, May 19, 2014


I have nothing to write about today.
First I had math. I forgot my review at home :(. I will turn it in on Tuesday.
Then I had orchestra. It was casual except for the fact that I had a dress rehearsal.
I had P.E after that. I played prison dodge ball. Even though we lost, it was still fun :).
Then we all had lunch.
After that was L.A.
Then science.
And Social Studies.
Then Choice hour. My choice hour was Movie Time in room 508. We watched part of Nanny Mc Phee. It was funny how the children got punished because they lied and such.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Bows an Paris AHW Friday

This is a quick drawing that Jordyn and I drew a very l  o  n  g time ago. I am the girl with the blue shirt. Jordyn is the one with the purple shirt. 

Literary Essay -- Beany and the Dreaded Wedding

Book: Beany and the Dreaded Wedding

Intro: Have you ever worried crazy about a wedding? Well, here's a girl who did. In the book Beany and the Dreaded Wedding, Bean, or Beany is invited to be a flower girl in a wedding and is stressed that she will mess up. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cheerios!ahw thurs

This is Payce eating cereal. He is really hungry! He is eating.....CHEERIOS! I am not really a person who eats Cheerios. He seems really happy. That is basically him every day 24/7.
Now he is frantically eating a granola bar. Like the last picture, he is also happy. He is a happy person.
It's so blurry.
He turns the lights on and off. Again and again. 
He won't stand still for one pic. 


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Heart pirate joke 100th post AHW Wednesday

This is what I drew today:
Get the joke? 
Hearty heart heart? (It's a heart pirate going hardy har har!)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I am stuck at school right now. It is 4:49. I was here to show Mrs.Gillespi (idk spelling) my solo piece for our concert. It is next week and I can't wait! It is now 4:50. My mom will be here soon....h o p e f u l l y. It is now 4:51. I want to go home. I am now looking at the acrylic paintings by the 7th and 8th graders. My favorite one is one with a tree. It is cool. Very cool. 
I am also looking at Isabella's oil paintings. My favorite is this one:
Here are the others:
2nd favorite:
3rd favorite:
4th favorite:
Which one is your favorite? She only drew 4 of them. It is now 4:56. I would stop writing but I have nothing else to do. I am now looking at cranes hanging from strings on lanterns. 
I see the 'I pledge I WILL Make A DiFFERENCE' sign. I wish I could've signed it :/ 
And my brother got in it -_-
It is now 5:00 so I will stop writing. Bye.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Costco or IKEA AHW Monday

The other day, for Mother's Day, we: My mom, brothers and I went to ikea. Ikea is a place for everything. If there was a zombie apocalypse, I would go either there, or Costco. They have about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to get. 
Food, yep
Supplies, yep
Furniture to sleep on, yep
It's is a MIRACLE!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Simple Joke Wednesday AHW

A simple joke:
There was a guy.
That guy was named Max.
Max had a girlfriend.
Her name was The Rain.
He had a friend.
His name was Clearly.
They were all on a boat, together.
Max pushed The Rain off of the boat.
He started to sing, "I can see Clearly now, The Rain is gone."

This really...
Made me laugh....

Amelia Z. told me the joke.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

ArtStudio AHW Tuesday

I like to draw. I draw all the time. I use an app called ArtStudio it's $4.99 on the App Store and I use it on my iPod. It is funny seeing people's reactions when I tell-show them what I've drawn.
These are my three favorite pics I've drawn yet:(I don't have a favorite)

Friday, May 2, 2014


Payce's favorite things are...
• His family
• looking at himself in the mirror

• looking at himself on videos

• singing-his own song-his own version
• dancing
• riding my back
• smiling :)

Thursday, May 1, 2014


So bored. This was my test. AHW.
By: Aria & Jordyn

Moderator: Hi, Thomas Hutchinson and Mercy Otis Warren is it? My name is Aria and I was wondering some questions. For starters, should the 13 American Colonies declare independence from England? 
Mercy Otis Warren: Sure Aria, I think that they should because the British taxes are too high and they are paid too low. Great Britain has harsh laws!
Thomas Hutchinson: I think that she was asking me, Mercy. Well, anyways, the 13 colonies could not declare independence, they could not govern themselves without the British king to guide. 
Moderator: Oh, I see
Mercy Otis Warren: I think that Mr. Hutchinson is telling a lie! The 13 colonies could-and should declare independence! British taxes are unfair! Families in these colonies have a hard enough time earning money! They have rights too! 
Thomas Hutchinson: I think not! The laws are there for a reason!
Moderator: what kind of reasons? 
Mercy Otis Warren: like taking all of the people's hard earned money for themselves!
Thomas Hutchinson: I think that Great Britain should be tougher on the colonist! They have it easy!
Moderator: but don't the workers get paid little and taxed much?
Mercy Otis Warren: EXACTLY!
Thomas Hutchinson: those patriots need to understand that King George III knows what's best! They don't know a thing about--
Mercy Otis Warren: those poor patriots are right for what they think! It is not just about the king! I respect him but, this is just rude of him! 
Moderator: I get it now! So King George III is taxing the colonies too high! I agree Mercy Otis Warren! Sorry Mr. Hutchinson, I guess I just can't agree. 
Mercy Otis Warren: thank you for understanding Aria, and supporting the patriots. 
Moderator: your welcome Mercy Otis Warren! I just can't disagree!
Thomas Hutchinson: I didn't know it would come to this, Aria. I sorry but I just can't agree with you.
Moderator: I am sorry but I can't either Thomas Hutchinson.
The End 
~ by: Aria & Jordyn