Monday, September 29, 2014

part of my family tree:

In science class today, we made a water chart for our family's daily water use. That made me think of my family. It is confusing how my family tree is sometimes. I hope to draw one out later. On my mom's side, I have 3 brothers and one sister. Dyson, Payce, Rylan and Nikia. 4 siblings on mom's side. I also have 2 grandparents, my grandma(mimi) and my grandpa(papi). I have 1 aunt and one uncle, Auntie Mill and Uncle J. I have a great grandmother and a great grandfather, Nina and Papa. And I have a stepdad, Donny.
On my dad's side: Grandma(grandma), grandpa and another grandma, an aunt(auntie wendy), step mom(Haley), and a brother(brody).
In total, I have 4 brothers, one sister, 5 grandparents, 2 aunts, 1 uncle, 2 great grandparents and 2 step parents.
I know I have more cousins, I just don't know all of their names.

The Force!

One day, I was on the bus with Dyson. We have to walk all the way down the street to get to our house. The snow fell and we had our heavy coats on to shield ourselves from the snow. In the winter, we have snow ball fights. 5 people other than me are on my street. That makes the snow ball fight fun! It is usually Dyson vs. Austin. I occasionally join in. In the end, we all laugh. Today's, it was only Jenny, John, Dyson and I who rode the bus. I saw my moms black GMC approaching us slowly. It was slightly covered in white snow. We got in the car and said hello to our mom and our baby brother, Payce. Payce's is two years old. His birthday was in September.(134 words)

Payce's is a musician. For his birthday, he got a microphone (toy) and a drum! Sometimes, he plays our piano! So today I taught him something...something from Star Wars . I've never watched Star Wars but...I've played Lego Star Wars. So I know that darth vador is Luke's father and all that. So doesn't darth vador say, "may the force be within you?" Well...I taught that to Payce's. Now he says: May da forc Be witin you!(79 words)

10 min total:
213 words!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Circus Videos and pictures:

Circus pictures!

The Circus!

Yesterday, I went somewhere special. My mom told me that it was a surprise. It was a big surprise indeed! The surprise that I went to was a circus. I went to the UniverSoul Circus. It was a blast! The first acts had people with stilts. The people would walk and jump with the stilts on! Next we saw people limbo under fire that was a foot off of the ground! The circus was wild and crazy! We got to see people holding up umbrellas with their feet. I think they were Chinese because the speaker said that this was their first time in the USA! Someone held an umbrella with their mouth! (113 words)

In the second half of the circus we saw real tigers and elephants! The elephants didn't smell so nice. Dyson and I both got snow cones! We also saw motorcycles going around and around in a ring. First, there were two motorcycles. Then the number increased to four! It was amazing! Nobody even got hurt! There was a magic trick where a lady stepped inside a hoop and when the man pulled it up, she was in a different outfit! Once, she stepped inside a phone booth and when she stepped out, she was in a different costume! Dyson and I thought that there was a different person in the phone booth that looks like her. (116 words)

(I will publish pics later!)