Thursday, February 27, 2014

My day.

I had a good day today. I liked it because today we had . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If you know me, you know that I LOVE art! I draw and paint all the time! I wish we had art all the time, not just two days a week.
Also . . . . . . . . . 

After we, Vivian, Jordyn, Megan and I finished our lunch,   we played MineCraft. We all joined Vivian's world so that we could play together. In this world, Vivian had built a house in a mountain. Jordyn and I decided to build a NEW house without anyone else. So basically, we ran away. Vivian did not like that so, she chased after us with her stone sword. We had to run. There was no turning back now. We ran  across the dirt, running into some trees.
"Aria! Follow me," Jordyn ran to the right as I followed.
"Oh no," I said. Vivian had just killed me.
"Me too!" Jordyn was right where I spawned.
"Wait--" I had a big idea, "if were away from Vivian, why don't we just did down and be free?"
"YEAH! Great idea," she replied.
We had to dig the dirt to get underground. Oh no! There was stone under us! We had to dig the stone.
"I see your names guys," Megan was on our trail.
"JUST KEEP DIGGING!" I was trying to dig faster.
Megan came down to us. I was rushing so hard, I killed Megan. It turned out that Megan had killed Vivian on mistake so, I had all of Megan-and Vivian's stuff.
 "Time to get back to class," One of the lunch-ladys dismissed us. Vivian disconnected the world.
"Awww!" I said.
"That was fun!" Jordyn was in a good mood . . . I could tell. 


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Describe a conversation with a lionhearted bandit who sinks five ships with the flick of a wrist (AHW) (pt 1)

MY Story Starter is . . . . . . . . . .  .

Describe a conversation with a lionhearted bandit who sinks five ships with the flick of a wrist

"Banny, where are you comming from again?" The news reporter and the camera men came up to Banny.
"Just from the bay," he said staring at her with a grim look.
"So Banny, I've heard that you sunk five ships with your writs. Is that true?" Now the paparazzi were crowding.
"Banny, lemme get a pic of you. Just act normal," said one of the paparazzi, anxious to get a pic. The camera flashed brightly in Banny's eyes.
"Yup, it's the truth. With just my wrist," Banny was going to block his face with his hand but, that would just make them crowd even more! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Little Einsteins!

My favorite theme song on Disney junior is The Little Einsteins.
Here are the lyrics:

Annie: We're going on a trip

In our favorite rocket ship

All: Zooming through the skies, Little Einsteins

Leo: Climb abord

Annie and Quincy: Get ready to explore

All: There's so much to find, Little Einsteins

We're going on a mission

Leo: Start the count down

All: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Everyone to Rocket

Leo: Rev it up now

All: Vrooooooooooom

Leo: We're going on a trip

All: In our favorite rocket ship, in our favorite rocket ship

Zooming through the skies

Little Einsteins

Leo: Climb abord

All: Get ready to explore

There's so much to find,

Quincy: Little Einsteins

Annie: Come on

Leo: Lets go

June: Little Einsteins

All: We need you, Little Einsteins Yah.


I got it from his website :

Monday, February 24, 2014

(AHW)Saving energy ideas:

1. Turn off lights when you leave the room

2. Turn off lights when the projector is on

3. Eat food when warm so you don't have to use a microwave 

4. Unplug fully charged devices

5. Turn projector off when it's not being used 

Friday, February 14, 2014

♡ Valentines Day Poem ♡

♡ Valentines Day Poem ♡


You are patient
You are kind

You are patient

When we argue, fight
You try with all of your might
To help us forgive
And to get along, again 
As happy as can be.

You are kind

You can make me laugh
When I'm feeling terrible
Even when they're bad
You listen to our troubles
I really love you

Love is patient 
Love is kind 

You are Love, Mom

You are Love

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Electroηιc Fιeld Τrιρ ((αhω))

• Why dιd they sell the gιrl, ηot the maη?

• Why does Jupιter ωant to take "Master Thomas" home?

• What jobs dιd eηslaved κιds do?

•  Why does the κιds father not lικe Charles? Because he ιs a slave???

• Why does the owηer not sell the slave?

• Why dιd the owηer ωant her moηey, she already has lots!

• What does "behιηd the moυntaιηs are moυntaιηs" meaη?

• Dιd the slaves ever get aηy breaks?

• Why ωoυld people even do that? Just becaυse theιr dιffereηt???

• Is rυηηιηg aωay the oηly ωay to get oυt of slavery?

• Were all the slaves treated terrιble?

• Why ωere some of the masters ηιce to them?

• Why dιd only the κιds staηd up for Charles?

• Why ωere the slaves treated dιfferently?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just some info C; about the USA

The United States Of America, USA, is located in North America with access to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.  The capital is Washington D.C.  located in the north east. 

Not so many days in our school year

If kids could choose, they wouldn't want to have school. What I think though is that we should have 6 months of school and 6 months of summer.

Monday, February 10, 2014

←Not a clue →

I had a good day today. I went swimming. I ate lunch. I played my viola for the 4th graders. I had an AWESOME day!¡! 
But, I have no clue what to write tonight.
οh ωεll

ΜY ideas

My ideas
• Why can't some kids behave?
• Why do people bully?
• Not so many school days in the year.

Monday, February 3, 2014


On my ride home--the bus, I was bored. Infact, I was VERY bored. But, off the bus, that changed. I was having fun with Austin and Dyson. Dyson is my brother, If you didn't know that. Austin is just a friend of ours. We were playing follow the Austin. All we had to do was follow Austin, through the snow. It was fun...for a while.

What we did

We worked on our argument paragraph essay today for all of class.