Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Super School!

Today, for part of the day, I went to my mom's job. Since Dyson and I missed it because of STUPID M-STEP!!! Anyway...it was really fun because there is a girl in her class who wants me to be their sister and she is really pretty. Her name is Riel. And she is black like me too! There is also a girl who said that I was her favorite. I was happy and she is pretty too. Then, there is this dude and he is very funny and I think his name is Nick. Point is: her class is AWESOME! And there all 7th graders.
My mom teaches math. So...I got to do math! Which is one of my favorite subjects! I can also DO 7th grade math! So I understood more that half of he things they were doing! It was very fun. That is why I was disappointed when we had to go to school. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday- AHW

Today, I got prepared to not go to school tomorrow! Why? Because I'm going to my mom's job! Why? Because my mom couldn't take Dyson and I on the actual day(because of STUPID M-STEP). So, to make it up we'll be going tomorrow. Plus, tomorrow we are swimming and I can't and don't want to go swimming. So yeah.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

AHW Thursday!

Today in class, I finished my digital literary essay! I was very happy. Well, I finished earlier but I posted to YouTube today. I DON'T like posting my stuff on YouTube. I really don't. But I am glad I am done with everything.

Wonderful Wonder Literary Essay!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

AHW Wednesday!

Today, my mom just got a new phone. Since her old phone wasn't working, she got a new one. She got...the...iPhone....6! The same color as mine too! Twinning. When I got home, I quickly realized that the phone CAME! I was so excited and told her about all of the things you can do with Apple devices.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

AHW Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Today, I am going to try something new. I am going to type a word and then on the board above the keyboard on Apple devices, I am going to push the first one that pops up many times. Go!
I am going to be a good day to be a good time to get a new one is the best thing ever is when you get to see the point of view of the year of the day I will be a good day to be a good day for me to be a good day to be a good time to get a new one is the best thing w the best thing ever is when you get a new one is the best thing ever is when you get a new one is the best thing ever is when you get a new one is the best thing ever.

Monday, June 1, 2015


So........I haven't told ANYONE about this but.......a while back, my dad told me that Dyson and I were getting another sibling. I was super excited! By the way, the sibling is being born from my step mom. Then today, my dad texted me that the sibling....... is ........going to be....... a.........

I am SUPER DUPER EXCITED to have another sibling. Even though it isn't a girl. I think that the boy's name should start with a "C". I think that because my name starts with an A, Brody's name starts with a B, and Dyson's name starts with a D. So... if the NEW siblings name starts with a C, it will go: ABCD! How ironic! I wonder what my dad and step mom will actually name the boy. My dad told me that he will be born maybe in November.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Terrific Two Square!

Today, Dyson and I were playing indoor "two square". It's basically four square with two people. It was really fun and in the breaks, I get to do my homework. So I get play and homework done.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fabulous French!

Today, I had a fun day. Especially in French is fun. Which was my choice hour. I had fun PLUS, we all got an equal amount of candy. We got a French candy called BON! I L-O-V-E  B-O-N! It is SO delicious. I also love it when we got a WHOLE packet of them! Yum!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dance! AHW May-21-2015; Thursday!

Today, I am going to dance class. At 7:15. I can't wait because we are going to rehearse our dance and I like our dance. I like our dance because it is fun and I like the steps especially. As well as the leap. I L-O-V-E leaps. They are very cool to do. I am VERY excited to go to dance.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Today, I finished my Digital Literary Essay draft and I think that it is good. So now, I get to do my  AHW. It is 8:57. I wonder if we have MSTEP today. I think that we do. I hope I have no more homework today. But I might.
The sun is yellow. The grass is green. The book sisters is blue, yellow, black and pink(mostly). Ania's computer is silver, white and black mostly.
I can count all the way to 50 something and higher!
And I also know classroom objects:(not all spelled right)
Pencil: crayon
Pencil sharpener: tie crayon
Eraser: gomme
Scissors: sciso
Book: livre
Student: etudiant
Table: table(h)
And more but I don't want to write them.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Is Tuesday and I am having a





Day! I texted my friend 44 times(in a row)and I also...also...I am VERY BORED. Hmmmm...






Monday, May 18, 2015

Ahw- comparison and........BRODY IS 1 YEAR OLD!

2ds           Vs          3ds xl         Vs       New 3ds xl
Cons                    Cons                       Cons
Can't close          3d hurts eyes          200$
Can't use            Weighs more             3d hurts eyes, Weighs more ,
3d                            Pros                      charger not included
No power            Bigger screen                Pros
Saving mode       174.99                       C stick allows more navigation
                            3.5-5 hours of battery    Power saving mode
Pros                    3 days on sleep mode  3 days battery on sleep mode
3.5 -5.5               Power saving mode
Hours of             Charger included
3 days of
Battery on
Sleep mode
Weighs less
Charger included
95.97 $    



Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday AHW

Today, I found out that....in my planner....I have......12 PAGES OF NOTES! Wow. I can't believe that someone needs that many pages of notes. Wow! I mean seriously.
I CANNOT WAIT UNTIO THE WEEKEND!!! I want to play Pokémon Alpha Sapphire! Oh well. I'll just wait.....

And wait..........

And WAIT.....

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire!

Today, I got the game....Pokemon Alpha Sapphire! I really like it so far. Well...I haven't really played it yet. All I did was set a clock for some reason. I think I am going to enjoy playing this game on the weekend because I have been waiting to get this game for FOREVER! Dyson ordered his but it hasn't come in the mail yet.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mock Trial!

Today, we did the mock trial practice I guess you could call it. I am glad with my role because I am KRAB'S FIRST ATTORNEY! I am very glad that I have this role because if I SOMEHOW OUT OF A 99.9999% chance, I am NOT. A doctor, I want to be a judge. And to be a judge, you need to first be a lawyer. I really hope to be a doctor when I grow up.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dramatic Dancing!

Today, I had dance and... we finished our dance! It is so reliving to now just have to practice it . I cannot wait until we preform it. Next year, I want to do Jazz. Today, I watched part of the Jazz girl's dance. It was a work in progress but it was good too. That is part of the reason I want to dance Jazz.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Happy Hot Day

Today, it is SUPER HOT outside! The weird thing is that it rained yesterday. That's the opposite of sunny: raining. I wonder why it's not even cool today. It's just hot. But that makes me happy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

French Candy

Today, for being the winning team in my choice hour, which is French is fun, I got FRENCH CANDY! And they taste really good! I got a WHOLE packet of them! I can't wait to eat them. I ate 3 so far. 

Monday, May 4, 2015


Today is.....MAY THE 4TH; AKA Star Wars Day. This is one of my FAAAVVVOOORRRIIITTTEEE days of they year. I like for 2 reasons: 1.) STAR WARS DAY, 2.) IT'S 14 DAYS AWAY FROM BRODY'S BIRTH DAY! I cannot WAIT until his birthday comes around because he will be....1 YEAR OLD! I wish these looooonnnnggg 2 weeks were already over so Brody will turn one!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dance and Swimm Classes

Today, I had ballet and Dyson had swimming. Dyson and I got into these after school classes because we were inspired. I was inspired because of someone on dancing with the stars who was dancing lyrical. As you may know, lyrical has ballet in it and most dances have ballet in it. I plan to do lyrical next year in 7th grade and then maybe another class, like jazz, in 8th. Or, I could spilt 7th grade between lyrical and jazz. Dyson was inspired to be a faster swimmer. I wonder if he will continue swimming in 7th and 8th grade too as I plan to continue dancing.
My mom and I were also talking about me being on: 1.)the 7th grade girls soccer team, 2.)the 7th grade girls volley ball team and 3.)the girls 7th grade track team. My says that this will help my college application because they will see that I am a hard worker and I am committed to working hard for the stuff I like. I can't wait until 7h grade. I am also excited to see who my 7th grade and 8thh grade teacher will be.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My new case!

Today, I got my fabulous new case! It has my favorite color in it too! Mint green! It also is light gray. I also got a screen protector and a stylist with it. And it was only about $10! I think that it was a good deal. I am happy that I got it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

36 days!

Today, I checked my planner and counted the days left of school. Not including the weekends, we have 36 days left! Which is 5 weeks and 1 day. I cannot wait until summer vacation! I wonder if I will be going anywhere. I hope I do. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Home Happiness!

Today, I came back from my grandma's house. When I first came home, I checked on my brothers. They were souls asleep. One, Rylan, was in his own crib. And the other, Payce, was in his bed with our grandma, Mimi. I wished they were awake but my mom wanted them to sleep. I was bummed out a little but a little later, they both woke up. I was very excited to see them so I hugged both of them and changed Rylan's diaper and clothes. We hung out for a while and then I did my homework.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Samsung or windows 8?

Today, Dyson and I were talking about our new devices we will probably get for 7th and 6th grade. I think I might get a Samsung chrome book but I also am considering a windows 8 computer that can transform. I will need to look at the prices but I hope they have good prices. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Science At Groves!

Today, I am going to the science thug that groves is hosting! I am excited to go and I hope to have fun. This is my FIRST time going there and I am pumped! I can't wait until 6:00! I need to get there!!! Also, I'm leaving in like 2 minutes so I will probably finish this whenever I get home. I caaaaannnnntttt wwwwaaaaaiiiittt!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Science or candy?

Today, I found out about a science thing that groves is hosting tomorrow. I guess it's sort of like a fair. I know that Shin Be is going and Jordyn. Also Vivian I think. I wonder if Nia or Ania can go. I know that Megan can't go and I feel bad for her. ;*(
I know that I am going because I asked my mom when I got home. I was very excited that she said yes. I heard that you get to do cool stuff and it has to do with science. Shin Be was mentioning candy in her description. I wonder if there is actually a ton of candy this year.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Today, I had one of my favorite classes......
I love gym so much and I wish we could have it every day. Today in gym, we did fitness testing. It was fun. Megan on the curl ups got 76! That is HUGE! I got 40. Megan's is almost twice mine! That's wild! Also, we did sit and reach. I LOVE sit and reach. I got 47. I don't know my last year score but I LOVE LOVE LOVE sit and reach. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Today, a friend came over to hang out. His name is Tyson. Which is ironic because Dyson rhymes with Tyson. We call Tyson "Jeff". Jeff's name is Jeff Periwinkle. I created the last name. But we don't usually call him Jeff. We call him Tyson. I sometimes call him ysontay. That is pig-latin for Tyson. Dyson's pig-Latin name is ysonday. My pig-Latin  name is riaay. Payce is aycepay. Rylan is ylanray. Pig Latin is not a difficult language to learn. Well, not for me. All you have to do is move the first letter of a word to the back and then add "ay" at the end. Here is some pig Latin:
Ellohay! Ymay amenay siay riaay! Hatway siay ouryay amenay? Ancay ouyay nderstanduay emay?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Rain and Recess!

Today morning, one of the first things I did was check the weather. It said it was 39 Degrees Fahrenheit. Also, there was a chance of rain. And guess what happened today? It rained! But, it was warm when I was outside for recess though. Today, I raced 200 meter dash at recess. I think I should be on track because that was my first time doing that and I got only 1 second over Megan did. And it was my FIRST time! I got 39 seconds and so did Lira. Vivian got 40 seconds.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Crazy Costco

Today there was this kid in Costco that my family and I spotted. He looked about three or four and was very loud. He had a shirt with a dog on it and jeans too. He kept putting his hand to the side of his face with  peace signs and saying things I couldn't  understand much. He seemed like a nice kid. Then, I remembered that that amazing, loud kid was my brother Payce. Payce is an amazing and loud brother and I love him.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Bros, Movies and Black Emojis!

Today, I got to see my little brothers again after 1 whole week. That is because I was over my dads for most of break. I was SO EXCITED! Also happy to see them. I have been away from them for months before. Well, Payce anyways.
I am probably going to ask my mom if we can see a movie over the weekend. These are the movies I would like to see:
2.)Pitch Perfect 2
I hope I see hose movies soon!
I also LOVE the NEW BLACK EMOJIS! I have been waiting for these for a YEAR! I am going to use them a LOT now!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Trip to The Mall

Yesterday, I went to the mall with my dad and Dyson. This spring, I am spending most of it with my dad. I spent the first weekend of spring break with my mom. I also had to say an Easter speech. I don't like speaking in front of large crowds like that but my mom makes us do it EVERY YEAR!
So, yesterday at the mall, we went to Claire's. At Claire's, I got 3 bows. One mint green(my favorite color), one neon green and one neon blue. I am glad that I got them. Next, we went to my favorite pretzel place....Auntie Annie's! It was nice and I enjoyed the snack.
 Finally, it was time for the mall to close. Dyson was sad because we couldn't go to gamestop. My dad told him that we could go to target. We all like target in my family pretty much. When we arrived at target, we went strait to....the video game section, of course. He was deciding between Mario Party 10(Wii U), Kirby Teiple Delux(3ds) and Kirby And The Rainbow Curse(Wii U). In the end, he decided to get Mario Party 10. I think it was worth it.
When we arrived home, we, Dyson, my dad and I, played the game Dyson got. It was really fun but tricky. It has to do with how the player plays and a bit of luck. But we ALL had fun.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What day is it?

Today, I had a fun day. That is because it is March. And March is nice.

It's APRIL FOOLS!!! I love this day of the year and I remember last year when Amelia(M) had a ring and she would ask: "would you like to see my ring?" And people would be like: "oh sure!" And then...

they would get squirted in the face! I fell for that trick and It was hilarious! I watched as so many people let their guard down because they must have thought: oh, it's just nice Amelia(M)! But they were wrong, she then squirted them.


Just kidding. APRIL FOOLS!
But seriously, this is the end...


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Eng Tech

Today, I had a good day! It was good because in engineering technology, or eng tech, I got to draw! Even though I only drew lines and words, it was still enjoyable. I had fun. Also Vivian was building our machine. It was a good strategy to getting our work done. Vivian also drew the circles because j let her. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

sick to the stomach

Today, I am sick. And that sucks a lot because I have to go to school. I wish I wasn't sick. I was tired all day and I went to bed on time! That is so strange. I also had to blow my nose a lot. And that also sucked. I remember one time when I was so sick, I had to stay home and I also couldn't talk. I had literally no voice for two or three days! It was very bad.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Dance/Brown Girl Dreaming

Today, I had dance class. It was very fun and I liked how we tried on our new costumes. Also, I was reading the book Brown Girl Dreaming. It is an awesome book! I absolutely loooovveee it! It is unique how whenever someone is talking, their writing is in italics. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A chibi

Yesterday, I drew a picture of a character I created! This is what it looks like:
I had fun drawing it but I don't think I will be coloring it unless I get some pens that are called: gel pens and they work really well so I might get them soon!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Quell est et ill?

Today, in my choice hour, I got lots of candy. That is because my choice hour is..............
French Is Fun!
Yup. And I really like it. Not just because you get a butt-load of candy. But because I like to learn new stuff! I wonder, when I go to college if I'll get super duper advanced in French, that maybe I might even go to Paris. The game was Quell est et ill? And you had to write down on the clock board the time, you had to traw a clock, and also write down: il est ______ houres _______. I liked this game because I am good at it! 
I got by far the most candy in our entire class! I had 10 pieces(I think). 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Doodle in math book

Today, I drew in my math book. It is a drawing of a character I made. This is the drawing I drew: 
She is smiling because...I really dunno. I guess I'm just in a good mood today. XD

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Olive Garden on Sunday!

Today, I went to Olive Garden! It was very fun because I went with... My mom, my grandpa(whom we call Papi), and some of my bros(Dyson, Payce and Rylan). I got...SHRIMP ALFREDO! I absolutely L♡VE shrimp and Alfredo sauce mixed by the binding of noodles! c:
Here's a drawing I drew there:

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


One of my favorite numbers is Pi. Pi is 3.14159265 etc. It is not the largest number, it is the longest number. If you search it up on google, it shows:
I wonder if these people are just making it up and typing random numbers. But, who knows the REAL digits of Pi?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Todaaaaaay... I am going to write about 
This is Rylan and he is the youngest brother of my family. He is 7 months and will be 8 months in 8 days! His birthday is July 18th and I can't wait until he's 1 year  old! He will be crawling or walking or...crawl-walking  and even. More. Cuteness. I can't waaaaait!

Monday, March 9, 2015


Rilakkuma is AWESOME. If you somehow didn't know, rilakkuma is a stuffed bear that is brown. 
It is adorable. S/he also has a friend named....Korilakkuma! Korilakkuma is a white version of Rilakkuma basically. S/he is cute too!
I love them both entirely. 
Rilakkuma also means relax bear. 

Parenthetical picture stuff

Today, I looked for pictures and put them in iMovie. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Payce's mood!!

Today Payce is in a good mood. You know how I can tell? This. Picture.
He is smiling also because I was tickling him. He is so Cute with a capital C. Right now, he is dancing and looking at himself in the mirror. He has a need to dance.

Should you make the trip?

Not finished with our prezi. Almost done!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Have you ever heard an annoying commercial? I have. And I've heard this one about...1 million times. It is soooo annoying! Here's the commercial script(basically):
Have you ever been in a car accident? First, call 911, then call.....1800-411 paaaain, 1-800-4-1-1-Pain. Get in your gaaaaame, call 1-800-4-1-1-paaaain!
That is. The most. ANNOYING COMMERCIAL EVER! And guess what? They made ANOTHER ONE. It's a gospel one so yeahhhh. •-•


Today, I looked for pictures.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Today I had a good day. I was coloring my planner because I loooooooove to doodle and draw anime and chibis. I absolutely HATE realistic drawings. They are sooooo booooring and not fun to draw. I like to be creative and draw Original Characters(OCs) and stuff. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Jordyn the stalker

"Hello?" I picked up the phone from Jordyn.
I couldn't understand the person on the other line. 
They spoke too fast so I couldn't hear.
"Jordyn, are you planking me?"
No response.
The call ended.
I knew she was planking  me. I needed a way to prove that it's her.
I texted: 
They called again. I answered.
"Hello?" I was prepared for almost anything.
"Hi who is this?"
"Well...--" I put down the phone. I was thinking. I put the phone to my ear and listened.
"Are you there? Hello? Okay...I'm going to hang up......................,"
They hung up and they texted:
Hi this is Gerald and I found this girls phone at Birmingham Covington School and I called you because you were her first contact.
I texted back:
I was wondering how would you get into her phone? 
They texted:
Do you know her?
I texted:
 I don't believe you
Prove it.
They texted:
(And a picture)
Ok I lied and I am a girl
I lied about my gender I mean
I texted back:
They texted:
This is me
I texted:
Face time then
They texted:
How do you face time 
I texted:
I'll FaceTime you
I facetimed this person.
"Hi Jordyn," I said, "I knew it."
Then, we talked for a while.

Parenthetical Picture Plan(Wonder)

A Literary Essay


Based on the Book


Wonder by R.J. Palacio




In the book Wonder, Auggie has to overcome challenges because of his facial deformity.(A kid doing a test) August is being bullied because of his face.(kids being bullied) The gist of the story I think is Don't judge a boy by his face. (Sad kid) I think that is important because you should not be mean to someone because they have a facial deformity.(bullying crossed out) You should instead judge them by their character.(character with a check mark) I wonder why the kids made fun of him.(bullies) He never provoked them or anything. I think that they were just trying to be mean.(mean crossed out) In the book wonder, R.J. Palacio, the author wants us to understand to judge someone by their character, not what they look like.(character with a check on it)

Throughout the story, August was bullied because of his facial deformity.(bullying) Some people at his camp especially made fun of him because of his face.(camp) For example, on page 266 at the top, Eddie said, “What happened to your face?"(bully)At the bottom of the page, he also said, “Are you talking to me, Freddie Kruger? I don't think you want to mess with me, you ugly freak."(another bully) This shows that August was made fun of because some people couldn't control themselves and acted very rude. The cause was because they were making fun of his face.(August in wonder) Auggie didn't resort to violence, he didn't even make Eddie pay a fine! I wonder why Eddie broke his hearing aid.(Auggies hearing aid) It might’ve been an accident. Maybe that is why August didn’t press charges.

Also in the story, most of the boys in 5th grade that were friends with Julian turned on Auggie because of Julian.(list of augist and Julian's teams) For example, on page 170, Charlotte explained why not many people were talking to him. The author writes,"...Anyway, so basically what happened at the party was that Julian went around telling everyone that you punched him because you had emotional problems..." This shows that Julian basically caused the boys to turn on them.(group of boys) Julian is the main problem of this part of the story.(Julian/Julian's book) I wonder why Julian doesn’t like Auggie. He is always mean and rude to him and Jack. Maybe it was because on page 154, Jack punched Julian in the mouth.(fist) The author writes, “We could have been partners. You don’t have to be friends with that freak if you don’t want to be, you know....” (Another fist) After Julian said that, Jack punched him in the mouth. Julian was the problem of that situation too.  I wonder why Jack punched Julian in the face.(teacher shushing) He could’ve just told the teacher or told him to be quiet, but punching him in the mouth? Was that really necessary.

By the end of the story, the school was treating August like a normal person!(thumbs up) They were not mean to him at all, they were actually nice!(kids high fiving) Except for Julian. (Kids fist bumping) For example, on page 305 at the middle, people told August,"way to go, Auggie!" They also chanted,"Aug-gie! Aug-gie! Aug-gie!"(chanting kids) This shows that the school was being nice to Auggie. Most of them were but now everyone is nice to Auggie! I am glad that everyone was being nice to August by the end of the book.(wonder book) It wouldn’t have been as good of a book if there wasn’t a happy ending.(happy ending) Not many people would want to read it.

This essay shows that August has to overcome challenges to reach happiness.(kids smiling) This theme relates to the world because a lot of people have to overcome challenges to reach happiness.(people smiling) I think that this whole situation that August went through might have helped him because he can be stronger if he has to face it again.(more kids smiling) I think that this might happen to August again at somepoint in his life because there are some people in the world that are not nice and are mean.(bullies) That is why I think that this helped august in the end.(end sign) I think that Auggie is glad that the situation is over because he went through so much pain!(happy kids) This proves that this essay shows that Auggie overcomes challenges to reach happiness.(more happy kids)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Literary essay parentheses

A Literary Essay


Based on the Book


Wonder by R.J. Palacio




In the book Wonder, Auggie has to overcome challenges because of his facial deformity.(A kid doing a test) August is being bullied because of his face.(kids being bullied) The gist of the story I think is Don't judge a boy by his face. (Sad kid) I think that is important because you should not be mean to someone because they have a facial deformity.(bullying crossed out) You should instead judge them by their character.(character with a check mark) I wonder why the kids made fun of him.(bullies) He never provoked them or anything. I think that they were just trying to be mean.(mean crossed out) In the book wonder, R.J. Palacio, the author wants us to understand to judge someone by their character, not what they look like.(character with a check on it)

Throughout the story, August was bullied because of his facial deformity.(bullying) Some people at his camp especially made fun of him because of his face.(camp) For example, on page 266 at the top, Eddie said, “What happened to your face?"(bully)At the bottom of the page, he also said, “Are you talking to me, Freddie Kruger? I don't think you want to mess with me, you ugly freak."(another bully) This shows that August was made fun of because some people couldn't control themselves and acted very rude. The cause was because they were making fun of his face.(August in wonder) Auggie didn't resort to violence, he didn't even make Eddie pay a fine! I wonder why Eddie broke his hearing aid.(Auggies hearing aid) It might’ve been an accident. Maybe that is why August didn’t press charges.

Also in the story, most of the boys in 5th grade that were friends with Julian turned on Auggie because of Julian.(list of augist and Julian's teams) For example, on page 170, Charlotte explained why not many people were talking to him. The author writes,"...Anyway, so basically what happened at the party was that Julian went around telling everyone that you punched him because you had emotional problems..." This shows that Julian basically caused the boys to turn on them.(group of boys) Julian is the main problem of this part of the story.(Julian/Julian's book) I wonder why Julian doesn’t like Auggie. He is always mean and rude to him and Jack. Maybe it was because on page 154, Jack punched Julian in the mouth.(fist) The author writes, “We could have been partners. You don’t have to be friends with that freak if you don’t want to be, you know....” (Another fist) 
After Julian said that, Jack punched him in the mouth. Julian was the problem of that situation too.  I wonder why Jack punched Julian in the face.(teacher shushing) He could’ve just told the teacher or told him to be quiet, but punching him in the mouth? Was that really necessary.

By the end of the story, the school was treating August like a normal person!(thumbs up) They were not mean to him at all, they were actually nice!(kids high fiving) Except for Julian. (Kids fist bumping) For example, on page 305 at the middle, people told August,"way to go, Auggie!" They also chanted,"Aug-gie! Aug-gie! Aug-gie!"(chanting kids) This shows that the school was being nice to Auggie. Most of them were but now everyone is nice to Auggie! I am glad that everyone was being nice to August by the end of the book.(wonder book) It wouldn’t have been as good of a book if there wasn’t a happy ending.(happy ending) Not many people would want to read it.

This essay shows that August has to overcome challenges to reach happiness.(kids smiling) This theme relates to the world because a lot of people have to overcome challenges to reach happiness.(people smiling) I think that this whole situation that August went through might have helped him because he can be stronger if he has to face it again.(more kids smiling) I think that this might happen to August again at somepoint in his life because there are some people in the world that are not nice and are mean.(bullies) That is why I think that this helped august in the end.(end sign) I think that Auggie is glad that the situation is over because he went through so much pain!(happy kids) This proves that this essay shows that Auggie overcomes challenges to reach happiness.(more happy kids)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Literary essay stuff

A Literary Essay


Based on the Book


Wonder by R.J. Palacio




In the book Wonder, Auggie has to overcome challenges because of his facial deformity.(Auggie from wonder) August is being bullied because of his face. The gist of the story I think is Don't judge a boy by his face. (Wonder back and cover) I think that is important because you should not be mean to someone because they have a facial deformity.(bullying crossed out) You should instead judge them by their character. I wonder why the kids made fun of him. He never provoked them or anything. I think that they were just trying to be mean. In the book wonder, R.J. Palacio, the author wants us to understand to judge someone by their character, not what they look like.(character with a check on it)

Throughout the story, August was bullied because of his facial deformity. Some people at his camp especially made fun of him because of his face.(camp) For example, on page 266 at the top, Eddie said, “What happened to your face?" At the bottom of the page, he also said, “Are you talking to me, Freddie Kruger? I don't think you want to mess with me, you ugly freak." This shows that August was made fun of because some people couldn't control themselves and acted very rude. The cause was because they were making fun of his face.(August in wonder) Auggie didn't resort to violence, he didn't even make Eddie pay a fine! I wonder why Eddie broke his hearing aid.(Auggies hearing aid) It might’ve been an accident. Maybe that is why August didn’t press charges.

Also in the story, most of the boys in 5th grade that were friends with Julian turned on Auggie because of Julian.(list of suffice vs Julian) For example, on page 170, Charlotte explained why not many people were talking to him. The author writes,"...Anyway, so basically what happened at the party was that Julian went around telling everyone that you punched him because you had emotional problems..." This shows that Julian basically caused the boys to turn on them. Julian is the main problem of this part of the story.(Julian book) I wonder why Julian doesn’t like Auggie. He is always mean and rude to him and Jack. Maybe it was because on page 154, Jack punched Julian in the mouth.(fist) The author writes, “We could have been partners. You don’t have to be friends with that freak if you don’t want to be, you know....” After Julian said that, Jack punched him in the mouth. Julian was the problem of that situation too.  I wonder why Jack punched Julian in the face. He could’ve just told the teacher or told him to be quiet, but punching him in the mouth? Was that really necessary.

By the end of the story, the school was treating August like a normal person! They were not mean to him at all, they were actually nice! Except for Julian. For example, on page 305 at the middle, people told August,"way to go, Auggie!" They also chanted,"Aug-gie! Aug-gie! Aug-gie!" This shows that the school was being nice to Auggie. Most of them were but now everyone is nice to Auggie! I am glad that everyone was being nice to August by the end of the book. It wouldn’t have been as good of a book if there wasn’t a happy ending. Not many people would want to read it.

This essay shows that August has to overcome challenges to reach happiness. This theme relates to the world because a lot of people have to overcome challenges to reach happiness. I think that this whole situation that August went through might have helped him because he can be stronger if he has to face it again. I think that this might happen to August again at somepoint in his life because there are some people in the world that are not nice and are mean. That is why I think that this helped august in the end. I think that Auggie is glad that the situation is over because he went through so much pain! This proves that this essay shows that Auggie overcomes challenges to reach happiness. 

PG. 98, Processing

The Indus and Ganges river valleys ideal locations for early settlement because they are great ways to travel. The Ganges River flows through grassy plains. The Indus River is often compared to the Nile River. Like the Nile River, the Indus River is an important source of water. The Indus and Ganges Eivers are also good for farmland that lies along their banks. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Today, I didn't eat meat! I am doing lent and it is hard! I did it last year too. This year, I am also giving up candy. It is going to be really hard. In 7th grade, I will give up 3 things! That will be fun and hard.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Science Bumper Sticker!

Today, I designed part of my bumper sticker for science. This is what it looks like:
My slogan is, "Your Health is in Your Hands" the drawing I think is going to be a sink, soap and hands in the sink. 
I think that is important because if you don't keep your hands clean, you can spread diseases and bacteria. Also if you touch your face, you might get a disease.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Today, for lunch, I went into the health room to eat and....we got COOKIES AND DONUTS! That was for being links with Paige. I think that Paige and Olivia are some of the nicest people in our school. They haven't ever been mean to anyone.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Today, I had sciracy. It was fun because Jordyn and I brainstormed on a Valentine's poster and we just need to print it out. I can't wait until it's done. I also hope we win the GEC education project. 

My Wonderful Wonder Literary Essay!

A Literary Essay


Based on the Book


Wonder by R.J. Palacio




In the book Wonder, Auggie has to overcome challenges because of his facial deformity. August is being bullied because of his face. The gist of the story I think is Don't judge a boy by his face. I think that is important because you should not be mean to someone because they have a facial deformity. You should instead judge them by their character. I wonder why the kids made fun of him. He never provoked them or anything. I think that they were just trying to be mean. In the book wonder, R.J. Palacio, the author wants us to understand to judge someone by their character, not what they look like.

Throughout the story, August was bullied because of his facial deformity. Some people at his camp especially made fun of him because of his face. For example, on page 266 at the top, Eddie said, “What happened to your face?" At the bottom of the page, he also said, “Are you talking to me, Freddie Kruger? I don't think you want to mess with me, you ugly freak." This shows that August was made fun of because some people couldn't control themselves and acted very rude. The cause was because they were making fun of his face. Auggie didn't resort to violence, he didn't even make Eddie pay a fine! I wonder why Eddie broke his hearing aid. It might’ve been an accident. Maybe that is why August didn’t press charges.

Also in the story, most of the boys in 5th grade that were friends with Julian turned on Auggie because of Julian. For example, on page 170, Charlotte explained why not many people were talking to him. The author writes,"...Anyway, so basically what happened at the party was that Julian went around telling everyone that you punched him because you had emotional problems..." This shows that Julian basically caused the boys to turn on them. Julian is the main problem of this part of the story. I wonder why Julian doesn’t like Auggie. He is always mean and rude to him and Jack. Maybe it was because on page 154, Jack punched Julian in the mouth. The author writes, “We could have been partners. You don’t have to be friends with that freak if you don’t want to be, you know....” After Julian said that, Jack punched him in the mouth. Julian was the problem of that situation too.  I wonder why Jack punched Julian in the face. He could’ve just told the teacher or told him to be quiet, but punching him in the mouth? Was that really necessary. 

By the end of the story, the school was treating August like a normal person! They were not mean to him at all, they were actually nice! Except for Julian. For example, on page 305 at the middle, people told August,"way to go, Auggie!" They also chanted,"Aug-gie! Aug-gie! Aug-gie!" This shows that the school was being nice to Auggie. Most of them were but now everyone is nice to Auggie! I am glad that everyone was being nice to August by the end of the book. It wouldn’t have been as good of a book if there wasn’t a happy ending. Not many people would want to read it.

This essay shows that August has to overcome challenges to reach happiness. This theme relates to the world because a lot of people have to overcome challenges to reach happiness. I think that this whole situation that August went through might have helped him because he can be stronger if he has to face it again. I think that this might happen to August again at somepoint in his life because there are some people in the world that are not nice and are mean. That is why I think that this helped august in the end. I think that Auggie is glad that the situation is over because he went through so much pain! This proves that this essay shows that Auggie overcomes challenges to reach happiness. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

S-U-G-A-R R-U-S-H!

Tomorrow, I am going to be getting my candy. A lot of people have a sled what is is and I think that I want... SKITTLES!
I really like skittles. My second choice was warheads I think. The gummy kind. I also like chocolate. Hershey chocolate and twix and snickers and...and....everything!
I like hard candy that is sweet and the kind that is minty. Especially lifesavers. I had some of those today. This is because in my choice hour, we get candy for doing French games. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Waffle Time!

Today, I made waffles when I got home. Yes, you read that right, I made waffles in the afternoon. I prefer waffles over pancakes but my brother, Dyson, likes pancakes better than waffles. 
"Waffles are easier to cut," I say.
"No, pancakes are easier to cut," Dyson remarks.
"How? Waffles are easier because it shows a path with the lines and stuff."
"Uuuh. I still like pancakes,"
So, that's how part of my afternoon was.

peanut essay

A Literary Essay


Based on the Book


Peanut by Ayun Halliday


I have it on the organizer

Sunday, February 8, 2015

My day

Today, I got my hair braided! I don't have to comb it now! Yay! But now I have to wear a swim cap when I swim. Uuuugh. I don't like it when it has to cover my ears and then it feels like it's pulling my face up. But, I do like swimming. But it does hurt when I have to get my hair braided. I have a tender head. That means that it hurts a lot. I have gotten better at concealing my pain....conceal, don't feel, don't let it show....

(This counts as Friday ahw)

Friday, February 6, 2015

My Wonderful Wonder Essay!

A Literary Essay


Based on the Book


Wonder by R.J. Palacio




In the book Wonder, Auggie has to overcome challenges because of his facial deformity. August is being bullied because of his face. The gist of the story I think is Don't judge a boy by his face. I think that is important because you should not be mean to someone because they have a facial deformity. You should instead judge them by their character. I wonder why the kids made fun of him. He never provoked them or anything. I think that they were just trying to be mean. In the book wonder, R.J. Palacio, the author wants us to understand to judge someone by their character, not what they look like.

Throughout the story, August was bullied because of his facial deformity. Some people at his camp especially made fun of him because of his face. For example, on page 266 at the top, Eddie said, “What happened to your face?" At the bottom of the page, he also said, “Are you talking to me, Freddie Kruger? I don't think you want to mess with me, you ugly freak." This shows that August was made fun of because some people couldn't control themselves and acted very rude. The cause was because they were making fun of his face. Auggie didn't resort to violence, he didn't even make Eddie pay a fine! I wonder why Eddie broke his hearing aid. It might’ve been an accident. Maybe that is why August didn’t press charges.

Also in the story, most of the boys in 5th grade that were friends with Julian turned on Auggie because of Julian. For example, on page 170, Charlotte explained why not many people were talking to him. The author writes,"...Anyway, so basically what happened at the party was that Julian went around telling everyone that you punched him because you had emotional problems..." This shows that Julian basically caused the boys to turn on them. Julian is the main problem of this part of the story. I wonder why Julian doesn’t like Auggie. He is always mean and rude to him and Jack. Maybe it was because on page 154, Jack punched Julian in the mouth. The author writes, “We could have been partners. You don’t have to be friends with that freak if you don’t want to be, you know....” After Julian said that, Jack punched him in the mouth. Julian was the problem of that situation too.  I wonder why Jack punched Julian in the face. He could’ve just told the teacher or told him to be quiet, but punching him in the mouth? Was that really necessary. 

By the end of the story, the school was treating August like a normal person! They were not mean to him at all, they were actually nice! Except for Julian. For example, on page 305 at the middle, people told August,"way to go, Auggie!" They also chanted,"Aug-gie! Aug-gie! Aug-gie!" This shows that the school was being nice to Auggie. Most of them were but now everyone is nice to Auggie! I am glad that everyone was being nice to August by the end of the book. It wouldn’t have been as good of a book if there wasn’t a happy ending. Not many people would want to read it.

This essay shows that August has to overcome challenges to reach happiness. This theme relates to the world because a lot of people have to overcome challenges to reach happiness. I think that this whole situation that August went through might have helped him because he can be stronger if he has to face it again. I think that this might happen to August again at somepoint in his life because there are some people in the world that are not nice and are mean. That is why I think that this helped august in the end. I think that Auggie is glad that the situation is over because he went through so much pain! This proves that this essay shows that Auggie overcomes challenges to reach happiness. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Today, I have dance. Dance is fun. I love dance. The dance I take is called ballet. I like to go to ballet and I hope to someday in 7th grade do lyrical dance. It looks really cool! I can't wait until the ballet concert! I hope to do other dances too! I also want to do competitions sooner or later.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday AHW

Today, I had a casual day. Except for Mrs.Fitz... I feel so bad for her children. I mean really bad. I wonder what they feel like. And I aldo feel bad for her husband....

My Wonderful Wonder Literary Essay!

A Literary Essay


Based on the Book


Wonder by R.J. Palacio




In the book Wonder, Auggie has to overcome challenges because of his facial deformity. August is being bullied because of his face. The gist of the story I think is Don't judge a boy by his face. I think that is important because you should not be mean to someone because they have a facial deformity. You should instead judge them by their character. I wonder why the kids made fun of him. He never provoked them or anything. I think that they were just trying to be mean.

Throughout the story, August was bullied because of his facial deformity. Some people at his camp especially made fun of humble cause of his face. For example, on page 266 at the top, Eddie said, “What happened to your face?" At the bottom of the page, he also said, “Are you talking to me, Freddie Kruger? I don't think you want to mess with me, you ugly freak." This shows that August was made fun of because some people couldn't control themselves and acted very rude. The cause was because they were making fun of his face. Auggie didn't resort to violence, he didn't even make Eddie pay a fine! I wonder why Eddie broke his hearing aid. It might’ve been an accident. Maybe that is why August didn’t press charges.

Also in the story, most of the boys in 5th grade that were friends with Julian turned on him because of Julian. For example, on page 170, Charlotte explained why not many people were talking to him. The author writes,"...Anyway, so basically what happened at the party was that Julian went around telling everyone that you punched him because you had emotional problems..." This shows that Julian basically caused the boys to turn on them. Julian is the main problem of this part of the story. I wonder why Julian doesn’t like Auggie. He is always mean and rude to him and Jack. Maybe it was because on page 154, Jack punched Julian in the mouth. The author writes, “We could have been partners. You don’t have to be friends with that freak if you don’t want to be, you know....” After Julian said that, Jack punched him in the mouth. Julian was the problem of that situation too.  I wonder why Jack punched Julian in the face. He could’ve just told the teacher or told him to be quiet, but punching him in the mouth? Was that really necessary.



By the end of the story, the school was treating August like a normal person! They were not mean to him at all, they were actually nice! Except for Julian. For example, on page 305 at the middle, people told August,"way to go, Auggie!" They also chanted,"Aug-gie! Aug-gie! Aug-gie!" This shows that the school was being nice to Aug-gie. Most of them were but now everyone is nice to Auggie! I am glad that everyone was being nice to August by the end of the book. It wouldn’t have been as good of a book if there wasn’t a happy ending. Not many people would want to read it.




This essay shows that August has to overcome challenges to reach happiness. This theme relates to the world because a lot of people have to overcome challenges to reach happiness. I think that this whole situation that August went through might have helped him because he can be stronger if he has to face it again. I think that this might happen to August again at somepoint in his life because there are some people in the world that are not nice and are mean. That is why I think that this helped august in the end. I think that Auggie is glad that the situation is over because he went through so much pain! This proves that this essay shows that Auggie overcomes challenges to reach happiness.



Word Goal:600

Words In Total:658!


Monday, February 2, 2015


This week, I was watching anime a LOT. I mean, I watched fairytail, naruto and princess jellyfish(yes, that is a show). My favorite out of all of those are Naruto, then fairytail, then princess jellyfish. In Naruto, the great ninja war is coming up and I can't wait to watch it!!!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Wonderful Wonder Literary Essay!

A Literary Essay

Based on the Book

Wonder by R.J. Palacio


In the book Wonder, Auggie has to overcome challenges because of his facial deformity. August is being bullied because of his face. The gist of the story I think is Don't judge a boy by his face. I think that is important because you should not be mean to someone because they have a facial deformity. You should instead judge them by their character. I wonder why the kids made fun of him. He never provoked them or anything. I think that they were just trying to be mean.

Throughout the story, August was bullied because of his facial deformity. Some people at his camp especially made fun of humble cause of his face. For example, on page 266 at the top, Eddie said, “What happened to your face?" At the bottom of the page, he also said, “Are you talking to me, Freddie Kruger? I don't think you want to mess with me, you ugly freak." This shows that August was made fun of because some people couldn't control themselves and acted very rude. The cause was because they were making fun of his face. Auggie didn't resort to violence, he didn't even make Eddie pay a fine!

Also in the story, most of the boys in 5th grade that were friends with Julian turned on him because of Julian. For example, on page 170, Charlotte explained why not many people were talking to him. The author writes,"...Anyway, so basically what happened at the party was that Julian went around telling everyone that you punched him because you had emotional problems..." This shows that Julian basically caused the boys to turn on them. Julian is the main problem of this part of the story. I wonder why Julian doesn’t like Auggie. He is always mean and rude to him and Jack. Maybe it was because on page 154, Jack punched Julian in the mouth. The author writes, “We could have been partners. You don’t have to be friends with that freak if you don’t want to be, you know....” After Julian said that, Jack punched him in the mouth. Julian was the problem of that situation too.  

By the end of the story, the school was treating August like a normal person! They were not mean to him at all, they were actually nice! Except for Julian. For example, on page 305 at the middle, people told August,"way to go, Auggie!" They also chanted,"Aug-gie! Aug-gie! Aug-gie!" This shows that the school was being nice to Aug-gie. Most of them were but now everyone is nice to Auggie!


This essay shows that August has to overcome challenges to reach happiness. This theme relates to the world because a lot of people have to overcome challenges to reach happiness. 

(469 words, not finished)