Monday, November 18, 2013

Disney World Drama - published piece.

The hot sun blared through the window. I am a very, VERY deep sleeper. I slept until about 7 am until I was awaken.
"What is it," I moaned Dyson shook me until I finally got out of bed.
"I thought you were gonna sleep forever! We have to get dressed to go to Disney World! Come on, hurry,"
I got into some shorts and my nikes. My t-shirt was purple and I brought a sweater in the car—just in case. We started driving and it took us about thirty minutes to get there. We first went to the big boat that took us to this island and we all, everyone, got off. We looked around and saw a parade. We headed towards it and watched from a side. Micky Mouse was at the highest part of the float while Donald and Daisy below him. After they went back into the entrance, some of the Disney princesses came out like Snow White, Princess Aura and Cinderella. Then some princess. I never thought it would end! Finally, it did. 
"Well, that was cool!" My mom said. I think she was saying that because we're kids; what would you say?
Anyways, we were just leaving the parade and I saw the most BEAUTIFUL shop. "Mom, mom, MOM! We HAVE to go there," I expressed loudly so that everyone standing 10 feet or so away could hear. 
"Oh...okay... But only for five minutes, hurry,"  
Dyson and I bursted into the store. The store was all about  sweets! It was like HEAVEN! I searched around the store for something I liked. Cotton Giant lollipop...YES YES! 
I grabbed the lollipop and told my mother that I wanted the giant lollipop. She purchased that for me. Dyson, on the other hand got some cotton candy. Payce got licorice and he shared it with my mom. My grandparents didn't want anything. We walked to get something to eat. We got pretzels for Me, Dyson, Mimi, Papi, Mom and Payce. Mimi and I got cheese. We walked a little longer. We went to sit down. As we were sitting down, we saw a parade, just for princesses, no Micky mouse, no animals, just princesses. After the parade(s), we went to none other than the Animal Kingdom! We walked and walked and walked until finally, we found a board. The big board contained a huge map and smaller maps that you could take. I took one and my mother took one as well. 
"Where we need to go is to right here," my mom was pointing to a blue dot. It was labeled *dinosaur* in small, blue letters. We headed straight towards the *dinosaur* ride. It appeared as a scientist lab outside with pictures of dinosaurs one the sides. We went inside. Once we got in there were two people getting off the ride saying, "that was AWESOME!" Or, "let's ride it again!"
I was already existed to ride the ride so, we got in. The ride was AWESOME! The ride was about us traveling back in time to the prehistoric times so, we got to see dinosaurs in he ride coming from side to side. Dyson, Mom, Payce and I rode it another four times but Mimi and Papi didn't want to ride it again, more or less, four more times. I was positive that this was going to be one of the best days ever! 
We were leaving the dinosaur exhibit when I saw a spark in the sky. I had no clue what it was at first.
"Did you guys see that," I said looking up and into the sky.
"Whoa! That's so cool!" I now realized that all of us were looking up, at the fireworks! The fireworks seemed like they were up for forever! I remember when we were in Ohio to go to Cedar Point. In Ohio, there were fireworks too. A lot of places have fireworks. We finally left and went into the gift shop. I got a cool rock, a Micky mouse action figure(I decorated it) and a necklace. Dyson got a Star Wars Micky mouse action figure. We loved the gifts and we still do. 

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