Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I came home on what I thought was a casual day. It was not. Our house was getting torn down and we were living in a hotel. The worst part is, two people who I cared about died recently. Mrs. Burch and my dog, Ginger. 
We got Ginger on Christmas Eve when I was in second grade. She was like a Christmas gift. We once got a Santa costume for her and every December, we would put her in it. She died not long ago. It was a sad day for all of us.
There were some people working on our house. The thing is, they were barley working on it! Plus, they started in July!
It has been almost four months! Seriously! 
Today, my mom was talking on the phone with the construction guy. I heard her voice get deep and get high. I could tell that she was mad. Not just the "mad" you expected, the frustration mad. I don't blame her. Now, the insurance company said that they won't pay for the hotel anymore. We all were in shock. Where do we go now?